Summer 2020 Boston Austen Book Club - Emma

adveristisement for Boston Austen Book Club summer meeting Aug 22 or 23 via Zoom to discuss Emma, cover of Emma with dark pastel background and white lettering

The Next Boston Austen Book Club Meeting - Discussing the Novel "Emma"

The next Boston Austen Book Club meeting will be Aug 22 or 23 at 1pm, remote via Zoom to discuss the novel "Emma." No special edition. Check the FB event page for updates! 

She is my least favorite protagonist, to be honest. That's why we haven't read anything to do with Emma in the two and a half year existence of the book club. But with the release of the latest feature film, it's time to discuss Emma.

Now that I've read through the interesting treatment from Dr Helena Kelly's "Jane Austen the Secret Radical," maybe I will warm up to this book more. I've honestly only read it once! Not even Northanger Abbey has suffered such neglect from me! Meanwhile, I just re-read the Harvard annotated version of Persuasion last week. Emma would be very jealous of Anne.

Another thing I'm curious to get into with Emma, is Austen's style of writing. Recently, a poet-friend described this book as one of her favorite novels, period, and called it a fascinating stream-of-conciousness form of writing. So, I'm looking forward to this re-read and discussion.

Hope to "see" you at the next meeting, later this summer.

Upcoming Titles for the Boston Austen Book Club

Our meetings willbe remote for the rest of 2020.

In October, we will meet some time in the middle of the month to discuss "Jane Austen for Dummies." This is what we call "scaffolding" in education, because in 2021, I plan to get quite scholarly with the selections.

Finally, at 7:30 on Wednesday, December 16, we will meet to discuss a to-be-picked Jane Austen biography. BYOBirthday Cake, as we celebrate Jane's 225th birthday!!!