Progress Report on Ultra Megs Super Duper Extra NaPoWriMo
This post is dated April 17 but I'm writing it on April 28, so I'm a little behind on the blog posts, but with five different things to do each day, I knew I'd be behind on things. I'm hoping I can finish everything by mid-May, to be honest.
As of the 28th day, I have:
- Written 27 new poems
- Created 17 new blog posts (including this one)
- Typed up 16 previously only hand-written poems
- Submitted 15 poems AND an entire manuscript (I'm counting that as a week's worth of submissions)
- And I have revised 2 poems
Obviously behind on the revision, but that's only a technicality. I have made hand written edits and revisions to probably over 30 poems, and I just need to sit down and get them into the cloud.
So! Doing pretty good. Even though there's only 2 more days to go, the fact that I'm over half way done with most tasks and almost completely done with one of the tasks, I'm pretty happy with my progress!