Ostara 2020 - The Start of Spring
It's not how any of us thought we'd be bringing in the new season, is it? (Unless you're an epidemiologist, or the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, then you might very well have known.)
How are you faring during social distancing, self-quarantine, self-isolation, or lockdown/shelter-in-place measures? I'm in self-quarantine for now, thankfully in good health. Just a bit stir crazy.
What are you planning to do for Ostara? To be cautious, I haven't gone outside of the back porch as far as going outside. However, my quarantine ends this weekend, and I intend to start working on the garden. Even with very little growing as of yet, and me being unsure what I'll plant and when, I want to spend a good amount of time outdoors getting things ready for the better days I hope will come sooner rather than later.
Take good care of yourselves, all! Happy Ostara to you!