The Boston Poetry Marathon 2019 is THIS WEEKEND!

emily dickinson riding a pegasus under lettering that reads "boston poetry marathon 2019"

Boston Poetry Marathon 2019: Now in Copley Square

The Boston Poetry Marathon is THIS WEEKEND! From Friday, August 16 to Sunday, August 18, over 125 poets from near and far will gather together to read 8 minutes each. The event runs from 6pm-10:30pm on Friday, 12pm-10:30pm on Saturday, and 12pm-6:30pm on Sunday.

the community church of boston

New Location in Copley Square

We're so excited about our new location at the Community Church of Boston. When we realized we would be near the actual Boston Marathon finish line, we realized we had to do something in honor of the beloved Boston distance running event...Can you see it? All credit to Zachary Bos of Pen and Anvil Press for creating this year's logo.

live poetry fresh killed parody sign of somerville poultry sign for the boston poetry marathon

Over 125 Poets Reading Poems

The schedule of readers is online at It's pretty much the final schedule, give or take a few minor last minute adjustments. We have poets coming from near and far (as far as Israel!), of all ages, types, and aesthetics joining together for poetic reverie.

Bridget Eileen reading her poems at the Boston Poetry Marathon 2018

Bridget Eileen Is Reading on Saturday Night of the Boston Poetry Marathon

Oh, hi. I've been so busy promoting the event itself, I forgot to mention that I am reading there as well! I will be on around 9pm on Saturday night. Come hear my 8 minutes of fame! Haha. Arrive early and stay late for all kinds of other good poems, too!

crowd of people at the boston poetry marathon in inman square 2018

You Should Come, Too

This event is free and open to the public. Bring your friends! Join us for poetry, reverie, and a celebration of art. Donations are welcome and appreciated. See you on Friday!!!

Boston Poetry Marathon 2019 Event Details

What:        Boston Poetry Marathon
Where:      Community Church of Boston, 565 Boylston St, Boston
When:       Friday, August 16th: 6:00 – 10:30 PM
Saturday, August 17th: 12:00 PM – 10:30 PM
Sunday, August 18th: 12:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Social Media: Facebook & Instagram: @bostonpoetrymarathon; Twitter: @bospoetrymara
Event Page:
Press Release: