The (Tentative) Schedule for the Boston Poetry Marathon 2019

Boston Poetry Marathon 2019 Schedule screenshot
The Boston Poetry Marathon 2019 Tentative Schedule

 The Boston Poetry Marathon 2019 - Tentative Schedule

The tenative schedule for the Boston Poetry Marathon 2019 is now available online. The order is subject to change, though, before the event. This year's poetry marathon will be at a new location in Copley Square, at the Community Church of Boston. The dates are Friday, August 16, from 6 to 10:30, Saturday, August 17 from 12pm to 10:30pm (with a dinner break at 5:30), and Sunday, 12 to 6:30pm.

You can view the Facebook event page here:
boston poetry marathon spreadsheet for building schedule

Welcome to the Matrix

Above is a screenshot of the spreadsheet I use to help build the marathon schedule. I call it "The Matrix." I go down this rabbit hole with my weighted number system for specific time slots throughout the festival, turning the poet's response into sortable data. Then I start plugging things in. However, this can only go so far, as there's too much nuance and non-log-able information in schedule requests, so about half way through, I have to then print an empty sheet with the time slots and exact spots within them, and then just use a pencil and start plugging names in until I build up a whole schedule. It's part science, part art, part magic. 

How to Organize a...

After this extremely busy summer is over, I'm going to gather up my notes both from organizing the Boston Poetry Marathon (for the 3rd year in a row) with the other superstar organizer, Suzanne Mercury, and for organizing the Lights for Liberty Protest--with the other superstar organizers David Veliz and Rodrigo Pimentel, as a sort-of "How To" guide for anyone else interested in putting on an arts festival or a protest. I learned a lot doing these things! And I really love doing them, too!

I Love Fundraising for a Good Cause

I don't like asking for money for myself, but boy do I love raising money for a good cause! This year, to cover the cost of the new location, which is more accessible for those with mobiilty issues, we put together a Go Fund Me page. We have raised our goal! But we will still be taking donations, so that we can get to work securing next year's marathon!

All the Online Info for the Boston Poetry Marathon