New books from the bookstore, library, or borrowed from my mom without asking
This is a repost from my old books
A Door in the Wall - We read this Newberry Award winning book in 6th grade. That's when we learned that the monks were the ones who wrote out the books because there were no printing presses and mostly everyone was illiterate. Mrs Meaney also taught us how to do fancy lettering including the super fancy first letter on a page, like in the book. I loved this. And the book was good enough to make me want to re-read it today before work. It's pretty fun. I love all things old British.

Young Adult Books
Robin Hood - I wrote about my revived fascination with Robin Hood back in the spring, after I started watching the BBC television series. I had an abridged version from a library book sale at Tufts in Weymouth but I got the full thing at Pazzo. Notice a theme with my children's book choice? 1 heart merry old English tales.
All That Is Solid Melts into Air - I read most of the essyas in this book when I took the Symbolism course at UMaine but I didn't purchase this book. I just got it from the library. I kept meaning to buy it since back in 2006 but kept forgetting until last week.
Literary Essays of Ezra Pound - The copy I have from the library is almost overdue, so I had to purchase my own copy.
The Six Wives of Henry VIII - Kara sent me the children of Henry and the Elizabeth I bio by Alison Weir. Mom had this book in her personal library, so I borrowed it without asking the other day. Again, I love all things old English, especially all things Tudor (as discussed here previously) so this goes with that passion.