Keep Doing What You Love - It Might Make You Feel Better: My Post-Election Pep Talk

Polka Dot Heart - Keep Doing What You Love

Keep Doing What You Love - It Might Make You Feel Better: My Post-Election Pep Talk

Many of us are having a very difficult time these days. I'm one of them. It does seem like a terrible dream. However, I want to note that, for myself, I do feel better when I set about doing the things on my "To Do" list, especially the enjoyable things.

For me that is writing: whether on my lifestyle blog (, my journal, or my poems (; watching good TV programs and movies; spending quality time with loved ones; and, lately, food preparation--anything from making healthy smoothies or a plate of pretty snacks, to grocery shopping at night (when it's less crowded and you can take more time to make better choices), to making homemade tomato sauce.

So, if you're struggling, do the things you love doing. As you concentrate on that, you might feel better--less hopeless, more energized. It's not easy, but it's important to try, for your sake and because also, we can't let that vague "them" our there win, by ruining our day-to-day existence with anxiety over what's to come. That isn't to say we shouldn't pay attention. But we need empowering awareness, not fruitless anxiety.

This is a pep talk I'm giving to myself but making public for you, too, any other person other there who's feeling the same way. Keep doing the things you love. There's a good chance it will make you feel better.