Thoughts on the Eve of the 2016 Election

"Women are seeking their own image of themselves Nurtured from within rather than imposed from without" ~Pauli Murray, 1970
"Women are seeking their own image of themselves
Nurtured from within rather than imposed from without"
~Pauli Murray, 1970

Let Us Get It Done - Waves of Feminism, Unconcious Bias, and Bitches

We women who care to, we do this "feminist" thing in lots of different ways. I reclaim the feminine as powerful. I reclaim sexuality with new wave pin up. I subvert the patriarchy by asserting beauty is beyond size.  Hillary wears pantsuits and runs for the highest office in the nation.

When I earned this credential upon graduating from college, I took it for granted that some day soon we'd have a woman president. To me the idea that people would think women could not do the job because of their gender seemed so arcane.

However, this past year I've witnessed how hard the struggle is, to change the status quo. I've seen how heartily unconscious bias against women invades our attitudes. It's disheartening to hear how many people, male and female, express dislike for the first female candidate from a major party, and say, "I don't know why; I just don't like her." Or, worse, believe the hyperbole and lies from her biggest, most vocal and often very imaginative detractors. When we know the real reason why she is so vehemently pilloried. Or casually disliked. She's a woman who is smart, vocal, and seeks power unabashedly; in short, she's a bitch.

"We," as a culture, don't like it when women are unapologetically like that (but admire it in our male leaders). "We" have all learned to dislike that--in others, in ourselves--in order to fit in and go with the flow, editing ourselves to varying degrees.

It's time to recognize and eradicate those feelings. It's time to see what can happen when we finally nurture and advocate for half the population's full potential, unabashed and uncensored. It's time to eat your goddamn vegetables and celebrate our openly powerful bitches.

Bitches get shit done. 

Let's see what magic gets done with one as the most powerful person on the planet. Trust me, it's good for you.

#ImWithHer #StrongerTogether #LoveTrumpsHate