30 Days of Poetry: Days 15-30 (waaaaaay overdue)

National Poetry Month Chalkboard Drawing

30 Days of Poetry: a Poet's Log Book of Daily Efforts in Poetry for National Poetry Month, Days 15-30

I know it's August. I am just realizing, as I go through my paper notebook, that I didn't update my online notebook of the last half of what I did every day in April to make a concerted effort to do something poetry-related during that month. So! I'm updating now. Better late than never, I suppose.

Day 15 & 16: To be honest? Nothing! A day of Respite from just about everything. It was a Saturday with no plans and life was so busy, so I did nothing but loaf, which is in itself quite productive, I find, on account of how much extra energy and brain power I have following such a day. Like Benjamin Franklin. 

Day 17: Read "The Diary of Anais Nin" -- this is helping me edit and revise a section of a manuscript I'm currently  working on

Day 18: Made a play list to go with a manuscript I'm working on; I like to have background music to get me in the mindset. I also did a ton of spring cleaning, which is also helpful to writing because it helps produce a clutter free environment to concentrate in.

Day 19: Choose possible poems to read for upcoming reading in NYC; edit and revise possible poems

Day 20: Pick out final poems to read. Make large print version and print out.

Day 21: Prince dies. Scrap last section of poems and choose new poems in honor of Prince. (All poems with the word "purple" in them, actually.)

Day 22: Pack, practice reading poems

Day 23: travel to NYC; read "Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O'Hara"

Day 24: practice poems, walk around Washington Sq Park and talk to poet-for-hire sitting at type writer, evening: perform for reading at Zinc Bar in Village

Day 25: Guggenheim Museum visit, read "Digressions" in Central Park

Day 26: update poems in manuscripts that I read for reading, based on edits made upon preparing for reading

Day 27: Go to JP Licks after work, stay till close (12 am) and continue revising current manuscript

Day 28: Sleep a lot after radical burst in creativity (see Day 15 and 16)

Day 29: read more Anais Nin

Day 30: long walk in the Arboretum (such an inspiring place for me!) and revising of manuscript

All 30 Days of Poetry entries are here.