Picture Book Biographies about Great Artists, Scientists and other Historically Significant Figures, from Brain Pickings
Picture Book Biographies about Great Artists, Scientists and other Historically Significant Figures, from Brain Pickings
There is an excellent feature article about beautiful and informative biographical picture books about Pablo Neruda, ee cummings, Jane Goodall, Julia Childs and more historically significant figures at the website Brain Pickings. This is a fantastic post for teachers and a really good start for some educational adventures this summer, if you and the kids you know are in the mood.
Creative Courage for Young Hearts: 15 Emboldening Picture Books Celebrating the Lives of Great Artists, Writers, and Scientists: https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/04/13/picture-book-biographies/
PS I was intrigued by this page from e e cummings biography. The teacher portrayed who encouraged his creativity is Miss Maria Baldwin, of Cambridge, MA. There is now a school named after this remarkable educator, who was the first African-American female principal in Massachusetts and in the Northeast. When I was in 4th grade, on the other side of the city of Boston, I had an African-American teacher, one of the very few in my mostly Irish suburb. Mrs. Ward was the best and most certainly encouraged my creativity, too. This page took me back so strongly to those memories. She loved my fashion choices. One week I dressed in a theme of pink, white and grey. She loved that. And she definitely encouraged all my artsy endeavors in writing and music. She called me "my Lovely Bridge-eee." She was lovely!