Bridget Eileen - Featured Poetry Reading - Mr Hip Poetry Series - U Forge Gallery - Aug 29, 2015
My my my, I LOVE doing poetry readings! I bring presents for the audience, I wear a super cute and fun outfit for the occasion, I sing a little bit, I tell a couple short and fun stories and then I try to read as expressively and passionately as I can muster, because I love sharing my poems.
These are photos from a featured poetry reading I gave at the UForge Gallery in Jamaica Plain in August 2015, as part of the Mr Hip Reading Series.
I lived only a mile and a half from the location. Usually I have to travel an hour or so, so it was good to do a local one, for a change!
If I could, I would give poetry readings every day. They are my favorite way to share my work.
Conversely I have a pathological aversion to submitting my work to be published. Honestly. Why? A never of factors. I have tried different things to get myself over this hindrance. Someday soon, I hope one of the things I try actually works. In the meantime, I still have the readings!