I watched a lot of movies this weekend, including "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "How to Marry a Millionaire."

My allergies were terrible and all I had energy to do after working was sit home and watch movies.
I had seen both these movies before but had not watched either in a few years. I didn't realize it but I had become a big Marilyn fan over the years.
These movies have become iconic over the years, especially since Monroe died so young. I love the costuming the most. Everything is so fabulous! I also like Jane Russell and Lauren Bacall's no-nonsense but still mushy savvy characters.
My mom texted to say she and her best friend were boarding their Alaskan cruise right in the middle of my viewing "Gentlemen," so I made this photo for her.

Then I noticed, during "Millionaire" that Christina Aguilera reminds me of Betty Grabel.
UPDATE: Watched "Niagra", which is not a glamorous romantic comedy or musical but a dark drama set in, of course, Niagra Falls. Marilyn plays a loose lady married to a crazy man (who we'd now diagnose with post traumatic stress disorder). Still, a good movie, a short film to watch on the laptop while making and eating dinner in the kitchen.