Garden Update: August 2012

Looking good here. It's glorious. Everything's taking off. That Lemon Balm is tenacious I tell you. Some pictures:

Garden as of August 2012

I would like to refer you to May to compare...

Isn't that AMAZING? I'm so impressed by the wonder of it. Look at how teeny tiny those kale plants are compared to now!

Here's some close ups of things I planted from seed. I know it's supposed to happen and it happens for others all the time, but I'm always so delighted when things I plant from seed actually GROW!:

These little sprouts are Cosmos seeds I planted from, of all places, Dollar Tree.

 These are sunflowers, just about to bloom. I bought the seeds at a farm in Maine called "Jillson's Farm and Sugarhouse." They make awesome maple syrup and have an all-you-can-eat maple syrup breakfast in April. Oh my yum.

This is sage, thyme, a yellow perennial whose name I can't remember, geraniums,tiny buds of alyssum, zinnias on their way to blooming (planted from seed) dianthus, and basil.

So! Things are going well. I eat kale just about every day, twice a day. Just like the controversial t-shirt says.

Happy planting everyone. I'm going to pick a ton of this sage and make a sage risotto. I'll let you know how it turns out.