The first annual JP Music Festival was this scorching Saturday. When the cloud cover came out to cool things down, it was a lovely venue. When the sun beat on us, I preferred sitting far away from the stage in the acorn strewn shade. The acts were good and varied, especially wonderful was Gordon Gano of Violent Femme's appearance midway through. To the planners, I would ask for more shade and more vendors. No place to get water, only one (though very yummy) food truck just wasn't cutting it.
I hope there will be more to come, though, because it was such an enjoyable day of sunny weather, good music and fine hipster hunting. (This being JP, they were rampant! It was lovely, Men in kilts. Women wearing majorette hats. Teeny boppers ironically wearing Heart tshirts. Justin Beiber-esque adorable lesbians a la my sister. Dudes with cheeky facial hair and grampa hats and canes. God, I'm obsessed with hipsters lately!)