My friend Carol Berg has a blog, with a post today bearing good news that her chapbook will be published. Yay Carol!
Carol was nice enough to let me publish two of her poems as a broadside for my first foray into small publishinghood. The poems are from the voice of Ophelia of Hamlet and have stunning words and phrases. She's a very good poet. I gave away a bunch at the Boston Marathon Poetry Reading (which for some unknown reason I have completely forgotten to talk about here in the notebook. I'll fix that soon I hope) with good feedback from other poets.
The other thing I read about on Carol's blog was a link to a very useful site that is a collection of literary publications called Duotrope. A great resource for writers trying to figure out where to send work; very helpful for publisher and writer alike.
Thanks for sharing, Carol!
Carol was nice enough to let me publish two of her poems as a broadside for my first foray into small publishinghood. The poems are from the voice of Ophelia of Hamlet and have stunning words and phrases. She's a very good poet. I gave away a bunch at the Boston Marathon Poetry Reading (which for some unknown reason I have completely forgotten to talk about here in the notebook. I'll fix that soon I hope) with good feedback from other poets.
The other thing I read about on Carol's blog was a link to a very useful site that is a collection of literary publications called Duotrope. A great resource for writers trying to figure out where to send work; very helpful for publisher and writer alike.
Thanks for sharing, Carol!