I will post more specific things about my trip in a bit, once I settle down and have photos to share, but for now is this post, mostly notes to myself and therefore all over the place in content (a search engine's nightmare! ah well...)
LINK 1: Here is a very honest, comprehensive website on Mary Magdalene: http://www.magdalene.org/index.html
I was reading through my copy of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene on the bus trip to NYC and then int he European paints section of the Met kept coming across paintings of her, so I made a little scavenger hunt of taking photos of those paintings. Though somehow I missed the relic that has her tooth in it. Darn it. Just another excuse to go back to NYC for a visit.
LINK 2: I met a lot of people at the "Other Flowers" event, including the two editors of this precious new collection of previously uncollected poems by James Schuyler, James Meetze and Simon Pettet. http://us.macmillan.com/otherflowers
Some very odd reviews have come out of the book and that was a topic of conversation. How anyone in the world can say a disparaging thing about it is beyond me. I haven't come across a page I didn't cherish, and I've heard similar statements from other poets. Regardless, though one should never dwell on bad reviews, especially if one disagrees, here, for posterity, is an odd and bad and oddly badly down review http://articles.latimes.com/2010/mar/14/entertainment/la-ca-james-schuyler14-2010mar14
To which I pose the profound and intricate question: WTF?
UPDATE: Here's editor James Meetze's fantastic response to the bizarre negative reviews...
LINK 3: I also met Joanna Fuhrman. (http://www.emilydickinson.org/titanic/material/fuhrman1.html for some work of hers on-line) She was very nice to talk to about her work teaching poetry in schools, since I often come across unstructured moments of teaching creative writing with the students at my elementary school work. (Not so much in the library at the college; they're all some sort of health majors, so it's usually help with searching scholarly medical journals...)
That's all for now. I will have more comprehensive (and comprehensible!) posts tomorrow or so.
LINK 1: Here is a very honest, comprehensive website on Mary Magdalene: http://www.magdalene.org/index.html
I was reading through my copy of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene on the bus trip to NYC and then int he European paints section of the Met kept coming across paintings of her, so I made a little scavenger hunt of taking photos of those paintings. Though somehow I missed the relic that has her tooth in it. Darn it. Just another excuse to go back to NYC for a visit.
LINK 2: I met a lot of people at the "Other Flowers" event, including the two editors of this precious new collection of previously uncollected poems by James Schuyler, James Meetze and Simon Pettet. http://us.macmillan.com/otherflowers
Some very odd reviews have come out of the book and that was a topic of conversation. How anyone in the world can say a disparaging thing about it is beyond me. I haven't come across a page I didn't cherish, and I've heard similar statements from other poets. Regardless, though one should never dwell on bad reviews, especially if one disagrees, here, for posterity, is an odd and bad and oddly badly down review http://articles.latimes.com/2010/mar/14/entertainment/la-ca-james-schuyler14-2010mar14
To which I pose the profound and intricate question: WTF?
UPDATE: Here's editor James Meetze's fantastic response to the bizarre negative reviews...
LINK 3: I also met Joanna Fuhrman. (http://www.emilydickinson.org/titanic/material/fuhrman1.html for some work of hers on-line) She was very nice to talk to about her work teaching poetry in schools, since I often come across unstructured moments of teaching creative writing with the students at my elementary school work. (Not so much in the library at the college; they're all some sort of health majors, so it's usually help with searching scholarly medical journals...)
That's all for now. I will have more comprehensive (and comprehensible!) posts tomorrow or so.