New Books List - updated from Jan-Apr

I haven't updated my new books list in months! There's a million here...

New to Me:

Flowers of Bad by David Cameron
Sor Juana's Love Poems
Head by Bill Kushner
Mum Halo by John Coletti
Parish Krewes by Micah Ballard
Sky Brightly Picked by Jess Mynes
A New Book from Rome by John Wieners
Laurel Poetry Series John Donne (how did I go this long with no books of John Donne?)
Sky Scrapers by Geraldine Monk (chap)
Drawn In by Arlo Quint (Go Black Bears! That is, Arlo's a UMaine alum, like me.) (chap)
Out Another by Michael Carr (chap)
Asterisk 5 featuring Bill Corbett
The Poetry of Prayer by Rabbi Avi Baumol

Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan (borrowed)
Lady Susan/The Watsons/Sandition by Jane Austen (borrowed)
Best American Short Stories of the Eighties (borrowed)
The Encyclopedia of Visual Art Vol 5 (borrowed)
Introduction to Massage Therapy by Braun & Simonson (borrowed)
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories Vol II by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Be on the look out for individual blog posts whenever the mood strikes me. Some of them I have already commented on in previous posts.