a poem for the old man by John Wieners

a poem for the old man

God love you
Dana my lover
lost in the horde
on this Friday night,
500 men are moving up
& down from the bath
room to the bar.
Remove this desire
from the man I love.
Who has opened
the savagery
of the sea to me.

See to it that
his wants are filled
on California street
Bestow on him lar-
gesse that allows him
peace in loins.

Leave him not
to the moths.
Make him out a lion
so that all who see him
heor worship his
think chest as I did
moving my mouth
over his back bringing
out hearts to heights
I hever hike over
Let blond hair burn
on the back of his
neck, let no ache
screw his face
up in pain, his soul
is so hooked.
Not heroin.
Rather fix these hundred men as his
lovers & lift him
with the enormous bale
of their desire
