Stumbled Upon a Clip from a Reading I went to in 2006

Here's a clip from when Pierre Joris read at the New Writing Series at UMaine when I was living up in Orono in 2006:

This was one of my most fun nights that year, actually. I got my friend Matt to go with me, even though he was an engineering major and like to do his physics homework in pen. Then Jennifer invited those of us in the Symbolism class I was taking to come over for cocktails after the reading, and other alum were there for the reading, too, and came to their house after. I was still quite a regular smoker then and Pierre kept taking my cigarettes. That's when I said to him, "Um, you know, on my way here I got a call from Bill Cosby and he was like, 'Have you seen my ugly sweater, I think Pierre Joris took it to Maine.'" And that's why he remembered me a year and a half later when I saw him read in Boston or Somerville, rather.