I hadn't been to Pazzo for a couple of months, so I popped in after the baby shower I went to across the street at The West Roxbury Pub. They had a bunch of good poetry books, which is always a nice treat:
~The Blind See Only This World: Poems for John Wieners
~Springing: New and Selected Poems by Marie Ponsot
~Beginning with O by Olga Broumas (for some variety)
My aunt recently moved in with my cousin and they needed to pare down, so I welcomed lots of new-to-me books from her library:
~The Harvard Classics "The Five Foot Shelf of Books"
~Horizons magazine in hard cover
~an encyclopedia set from 1961 - I'm going to do something artsy with the pictures and whatnot
~a bunch of history books covering various figures and topics including -
---Sacco and Vanetti I think my uncle was a commie??? because I also have a book of his
about Krushev, Che Guevara, Marx, The Communist Manifesto and Red China...)
---some text books/reference books that look like they were, in kind, purchased from a used book store
~plus a book about houseplants, which I was so happy to adopt since I kill every other house plant I own, it seems
~and a bunch of home remedy books, including the Doctors Book of Home Remedies
I also found at Commonwealth Books (near the Common, not Harvard):
~a poetry anthology for $2
~Speaking with the Angel, featuring Ultimate Phantom Husband Colin Firth writing a sweet little short story about an awkward boy and his Grammy, for $1 (I had already purchased and read this great book of short stories and for some silly reason, gave it away)
I also found a $5 Jane Green chick lit book, Swapping Lives remaindered at the Emerson/BN nearby. I'm thinking of swapping genres in a little bit here and attempting to write a chick lit novel, so I call it "research". (Chick lit novel won't be worked on for a bit, though. I want to do some more with the poetry that's been laying around untyped for weeks, months and years, first).
Oh, and I'm getting 2 more from Library Thing's early reviewer program (yay! free books) and I've ordered a few that I can't find at bookstores but have borrowed from the library and want to own - Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O'Hara, Cultural Affairs in Boston: Poetry and Prose, 1956-1985 and Selected Poems of Barbara Guest (no variety there -- all one "clique", ha ha!)
So, there you go. Lots and lots of books. That's why, the other day on Facebook, I wrote for my status update that I had too many books...
~The Blind See Only This World: Poems for John Wieners
~Springing: New and Selected Poems by Marie Ponsot
~Beginning with O by Olga Broumas (for some variety)
My aunt recently moved in with my cousin and they needed to pare down, so I welcomed lots of new-to-me books from her library:
~The Harvard Classics "The Five Foot Shelf of Books"
~Horizons magazine in hard cover
~an encyclopedia set from 1961 - I'm going to do something artsy with the pictures and whatnot
~a bunch of history books covering various figures and topics including -
---Sacco and Vanetti I think my uncle was a commie??? because I also have a book of his
about Krushev, Che Guevara, Marx, The Communist Manifesto and Red China...)
---some text books/reference books that look like they were, in kind, purchased from a used book store
~plus a book about houseplants, which I was so happy to adopt since I kill every other house plant I own, it seems
~and a bunch of home remedy books, including the Doctors Book of Home Remedies
I also found at Commonwealth Books (near the Common, not Harvard):
~a poetry anthology for $2
~Speaking with the Angel, featuring Ultimate Phantom Husband Colin Firth writing a sweet little short story about an awkward boy and his Grammy, for $1 (I had already purchased and read this great book of short stories and for some silly reason, gave it away)
I also found a $5 Jane Green chick lit book, Swapping Lives remaindered at the Emerson/BN nearby. I'm thinking of swapping genres in a little bit here and attempting to write a chick lit novel, so I call it "research". (Chick lit novel won't be worked on for a bit, though. I want to do some more with the poetry that's been laying around untyped for weeks, months and years, first).
Oh, and I'm getting 2 more from Library Thing's early reviewer program (yay! free books) and I've ordered a few that I can't find at bookstores but have borrowed from the library and want to own - Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O'Hara, Cultural Affairs in Boston: Poetry and Prose, 1956-1985 and Selected Poems of Barbara Guest (no variety there -- all one "clique", ha ha!)
So, there you go. Lots and lots of books. That's why, the other day on Facebook, I wrote for my status update that I had too many books...