I'm reading through old diaries, just to see what I've got for poetry that might be salvageable for the last semester of school. It's intriguing, sometimes entertaining, and sometimes just painful, to be honest. Some parts sad, some strange, some uncanny. Like the page where I mention that a close friend had admitted to being raped, and then at the end of the page start on recalling the events of the rest of the day; I saw Michael Gizzi & Clark Coolidge read on campus that evening. Weird.
I was also wallowing in a broken heart for the beginning of that semester and I have this quote about that:
"To be mad is empowering. To be sad is distracting, especially when it comes to love."
Trying to pump myself up and out of the funk.
Then there was this section, that floors me. I was at a Eng dept party at Steve and Jennifer's and this woman named Melissa (who I can't recall today) introduced herself and "she said when I read at the poetry reading at the Bear Brew, she was sitting with all guys who were completely ga-ga over me. They thought I was beautiful & wanted her to introduce herself to me so that I'd start talking to them. That's a very nice thing to hear, considering I've been downing myself big time about my appearance, what with liking [xxx] and all."
I was also wallowing in a broken heart for the beginning of that semester and I have this quote about that:
"To be mad is empowering. To be sad is distracting, especially when it comes to love."
Trying to pump myself up and out of the funk.
Then there was this section, that floors me. I was at a Eng dept party at Steve and Jennifer's and this woman named Melissa (who I can't recall today) introduced herself and "she said when I read at the poetry reading at the Bear Brew, she was sitting with all guys who were completely ga-ga over me. They thought I was beautiful & wanted her to introduce herself to me so that I'd start talking to them. That's a very nice thing to hear, considering I've been downing myself big time about my appearance, what with liking [xxx] and all."
Ha! There was a lot more personal stuff but I don't think it belongs here. I do like re-reading these journals though.