
Yeah, whoa. That's what I keep saying today as I try to write my first, and late installment of my critical thesis. But I'm glad for the delay, because it has helped me develop an angle I would not have developed had I done things on time.

Other reasons why I keep saying "Whoa" today is that I'm reading "The Poetics of Robert Duncan" by Dennis Cooley. And, uh, whoa. (How's that for intelligent?)

It makes me think of one of the "Indeterminacy" of John Cage's that we read at the beginning of class during the Black Mountain course at UMaine, back in antebellum 2001 (that'd be spring). The one I remember so well I must have had to try to read in the alloted 1 minute's time (failed, by the way) because I have to read and say or read and write in order to remember something so well. Anyway, the gist I took away and kept saying as I read the Duncan thingy is:

"Cultivate within yourself a likeness to the surrounding ether"

I made a poem out of that Indeterminacy - a concrete type poem, using the wingdings font so it had lots of yin&yangs throughout it. I wonder where that thing is...

Couldn't find my poem, but found the Indeterminacy - number 88. Damn, google is magical.

Linky linky right here.

More to follow. Water boiling for tea.