Picture's from My TV During the Rebroadcasting of BBC's Pride and Prejudice

I am such a dork i actually took pictures of the lake scene, so I could have it as a screen saver (though, of course, not the wallpaper - all wallpaper is Rosa and Rosa only).

=Sigh= He's so dreamy.

Where is my Mr Darcy? Oh, that's right. He doesn't exist. Jane Austen could never find the perfect man, so she had to write one up to satisfy her head.

Anyway. Enjoy.
I am such a dork i actually took pictures of the lake scene, so I could have it as a screen saver (though, of course, not the wallpaper - all wallpaper is Rosa and Rosa only).
=Sigh= He's so dreamy.
Where is my Mr Darcy? Oh, that's right. He doesn't exist. Jane Austen could never find the perfect man, so she had to write one up to satisfy her head.
Anyway. Enjoy.